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Ricardo Guzman (left) and Ariel Barrera, front row. Guzman is confident that he could be a standout among the hundreds of amateur surfers who attend the annual Wake Forest Surfing Championship this weekend.
The Wake Forest Surfing Championship began as a small, low-budget competition to attract the top amateurs from the area to the annual Wake Forest Surf Fest, a local beach party that attracts hundreds of locals to the banks of the Neuse River every July.
The event expanded to a one-day event over the last few years, and the interest grew so much that the National Association of Surf Clubs decided to host the championship for the first time in 2009.
The event has evolved into an important showcase for Wake Forest’s surfers, and is now one of the biggest competitions of the year for the region.
But the tournament continues to have its charm. A group of local surfers organized it to be as free as possible, bringing in sponsorships and reducing the costs.
“The focus was just on having a good time and having fun,” said Mike Benson, a Wake Forest resident and president of the organization. “It’s a great event. It’s always fun to go to the beach, but not to compete, and it’s also a lot of fun to hang out with the crowd.”
Benson said that several of the top local surfers compete in the annual Wake Forest Surfing Championship, including Alex Belal, who won the title last year.
Ricardo Guzman, who has been competing in the Wake Forest Surfing Championship since the inaugural event in 2009, is used to the low-key atmosphere of the tournament. be359ba680
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